Ori, my dear, you are a famous worldwide motorcycle carbage collector.
The MAW engine,
here an interesting site , was a "citizen-engine for everyones bicycle". Everybody could`d by this (only the engine with fueltank and the handles) and mounted on the choicen cyle. I don`t think, that the MAW was standard on Miele-cycles. Its possible, of course, because in this time the eastern industries maked deals with Holland companys. An example is the eastern part of "Rheinmetall". They dealed with officemachines with a dutch company for westgermany. The "mother" of Rheinmetall in westgermany produced the same machines under the same label, but the eastern ones was better and cheaper.
The western Rheinmetall closed this with a paper of court in 1960 or 62.
The question of carburator is very easy: In this time only this one factory builded carburators in east germany. The idea was a german idea, but after the war the NKJ-types was suddently a russian patent.
NKJ named : "N"=needle, "K"= piston glide (Kolbenschieber) and the "J" is the name of the fucking russian boy. Jokarew or Janukowitsch
. I`ve forgotten.
The number is also easy (MAW haved the 121): The first two numbers are the airhole 12= 12mm diameter air. The third number is a version number. Also in example the NKJ 123-3: 12 mm air through, typ 3, version 3.
Also an example for russian deals in this time: The machine gun "Kalaschnikov" was named at Mr. Kalaschikov. But the inventor was a german man named Schmeisser, worked in Suhl. This gun was at the end of WWII ready to use. War was lost, Mr. Kalaschnikov have taken any of this guns and also Mr. Schmeisser. Went to sibiria, changed only one part of this gun an the new russian wonderworld of weapon was born. And now you can find this gun all over the world. Every black child have one of this and play a little bit the game of war. A german invetion, but the russians are the clever seller.
The germans are good inventors and ingenieurs. The build also atomic submarines. Any of this boats we give with joy in our hearts to Israel as a gift. Of course only for defense...
We are guilty till the end of our days.
Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen auch Zwerge lange Schatten.
Karl Kraus