Gruppe: Mitglieder
Beiträge: 545
Mitgliedsnummer.: 1087
Mitglied seit: 08.02.2008
O.k. here it is in German its call Anachronismus: There is a city in Thailand call Kanchanaburi, that famous bridge over river Kwai. In that place few museums demonstrate the cost of the Japanese railway projects to Burma from 1942-1943.Here One of the museum use Simson claim its Japanese motor bikes from the
Gruppe: Mitglieder
Beiträge: 545
Mitgliedsnummer.: 1087
Mitglied seit: 08.02.2008
My friend Wolfgang, Thank you for your reference, so as I understand the Sr1 production start in 1955 at the DDR time, not during the 2nd war while DDR was not exists. So now we have cynical abuse of the name of Germany at first and Simson Suhl. I think this is a diplomatic issue that you should not let go, complain to the Thailand government may be done in that case. Ori