example "Gebäude". Any words in german are the same in singulary and plurally. But many words are diffrent.
"Gebäude" (building) is the same in singulary and plurally. Only the pre-term is diffrent and changing.
Das Gebäude (one of this)-die Gebäude (any of this)
The other example: between singulary and pluraly all ist changing: the word and the pre-term:
das Haus (the house)>> die Häuser(the houses)
remark: plurally ist everytime "die"!!
And we have also nonregular words, there don`t work the rules
This words are really not easy for german people
Example: Der Globus (this is a word for the miniature of the earth on your table> the globe). This is singulary an calls in german "der Globus".
The plural, we means must call "die Globusse".
No, no, the Plural is "die Globen".
We have again for plural the pre-term "die", but the complete word is changing and out of all the rules.
Ori, I think: learn many words of german, not at first the grammar. Nobody are interesting, if you say "das auto" or "die auto"
The dutch people are saying always "die auto"....
Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen auch Zwerge lange Schatten.
Karl Kraus